What better time, than in quarantine, to meet yet another talented local author? John Robert Mack is a local creative and multi-talented individual. In the coming months we are going to host another "buddy-read" online (depending on what happens with COVID-19.) Because of the virus, our plans to sit and discuss with the last featured author were canceled. We encourage everyone needing something to do to read the book featured on this link and join this community book club! Where you can meet the authors to discuss their work! LINK TO BOOK "The Gospel of John." http://johnrobertmack.com/thirdtestament/?fbclid=IwAR2Kcg19MUO1HAGEdFYhbTHvG7RbofEIv4X9DBFnls-_RaYJm61ZFLZPN9s SAM: What started your writing journey? Have you always aspired to be a writer, or was there a precipitating incident? I have been a writer literally longer than I can remember. In college I found a short story among my mom’s things called, “How I Learned to Vanish.” I’d writte...